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Our History

The Flower Station & Flower Station Landscape Solutions is a Seasonal Center and Landscape Company. In 2000, Meakim Flowers opened for its first season at the corner of Byberry Road and Philmont Avenue in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania. The company took over a building on the existing gas station property and created the Flower Station name. The Flower Station has been and still is a family-owned and operated business. Over the years, the product line has changed, and the business has grown, but the values in which we have built the business have not. At both our Retail Location and in the Landscape Division, continue to provide excellent customer service, excellent quality.

Our honesty, integrity, and communication is backbone of our business.

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The Flower Station
3500 Philmont Avenue
Huntingdon Valley
Pennsylvania, 19006

T: (215) 947-1866